21.11.10-Fundamental human qualities

The clock is ticking in counterpoint to the muffled sound of my daughter banging her blocks on their wooden box in the living room behind a closed door. I am at the table in the kitchen.

There is a plant on the far end of the table which offers up a bundle of delicate white flowers. Thin stems tipped with the youngest buds pierce a canopy of leaves which look like a cross between ivy and lilly pads. The pedals are still rolled tightly into tiny white spear heads which are slowly beginning to unfold and look upward. The taller more mature flowers are clustered at the center of the pot and grow in a very unique way- the pistils face downward while the delicate silky pedals grow straight back and upward making it look like they are being blown from below by a steady breeze.

Now in a moment of true Lucidity, I see that every moment is complete. Everything I need to live this moment is already here. Once I recognize that there is no need to look any further than now, I can begin to see through the illusion of fear. I can feel Trust… Faith… compassion, gratitude, forgiveness- they ring true all around me. These funamental human qualities are holographic components of Love. The Love that is Redemption for all humanity.

Look at the trees, they do it best- branches moving souls at rest.



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