30.10.10-Less thinking

I was able to meditate and do some yoga as well as go to the gym today.

We just got back from having dinner with some family friends from the States, one of whom, Marc, is a psychotherapist. I was very grateful to have them visit not only because I was able to get some great advice from him about persuing a career in that field, but also because they are both fun and interesting people and my wife and I were both happy to share in their energy.

I had a good practice session on the violin this afternoon. I have been attempting to apply some of the principles that I have learned about the workings of the subconscious to my violin playing. The approach is much less intellectualized than the one I had been employing for the past few years, as it is based on the pricinple of allowing my body to learn and practice while keeping my rational mind as uninvolved as possible. I realize that in fact it is more like the way I used to play when I was much younger- more muscle memory and kinesthetic learning and less thinking. Even if it is sometimes necessary to really think about what I am doin, I am quite convinced that this kind or work is valuable and should be included as a part of my routine.

I am too tired to write anything more tonight, I will write a longer entry tomorrow.



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