13.02.11-Precarious Perch

I have not been able to meditate for 2 days because my wife and I have been in the process of rearranging our apartment in order to allow for our daughter to have her own room. In one weekend we had to paint a room, buy, sell, pick-up, rearrange, and construct furniture, and at the same time make sure that an 18 month old does not get hurt or neglected. In addition we had social plans on both Friday and Saturday nights which added a sleep deficit to the program. We accomplished our goal, but I am exhausted to say the least.

Although I feel that I have made tremendous progress along my spiritual path over the past 6 months, I must say, this weekend’s work made it clear to me that I am far from being permanently grounded in clarity. I am reminded that even just a bit of fatigue and hunger can bring me to lose my patience, become frustrated, and generally revert back to a relatively infantile mental and emotional state. Im not necessarily disappointed with myself (at the moment I can still muster enough clarity to see through that illusion), but I find the precarious perch of my emotional and mental state to be amusing.

Im looking forward to a good night’s sleep and a long morning Practice tomorrow!



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