09.12.10-The Emptiness of Potentiality

My wife and I finally broke our fast today and are slowly beginning to eat again- Halleluja!

The past week has been quite a ride. As my body went through the changes brought on by the absence of food, I had the opportunity to observe my mind as it went on a roller coaster ride. I had an unusually clear and detached perspective on my mental state because my emotions seemed to be much less intense than they normally are. I suspect that there is a link between the food I eat and my emotions. Perhaps there is a hormonal connection between either my diet or the digestive process itself and my emotions. Whatever the case may be, as the potency of my emotions faded, I was better able to objectively observe them and my thoughts.

It is amazing how transient the whole process is. It is also quite interesting to note that most of the different mental/emotional states are recurring ones. There are few truly original ones. Good as well and bad ones are for the most part so completely familiar to me because I have had them before- not just similar states, but exact replicas. Most of them are also supported by a particular story which I tell myself. Once I see how repetitive this whole mechanism is, almost everything I think and feel loses much of its credibility.

There is however one state of consciousness that is exceptional  because it is neither repetitive nor redundant. It’s the state which needs no story to justify it. Its walking, its looking at the world around me, its breathing, its typing right now. It has no past and no future. Its full of the emptiness of potentiality. It is refreshingly ordinary. Its better not to talk about this state. Its better to sing.

“Wont you help me sing… these songs of freedom?

Its all I ever had… redemption songs, redemption songs…” – Bob Marley



One Response to “09.12.10-The Emptiness of Potentiality”

  1. Ace says:

    What you have discovered through your own explorations I discovered as well, from being told about it, reading about it, and then confirming it through my own observation.

    We take in the emotional energy of the food we eat. The bioenergy of food, vegetables, fruit, and meat. Anything made of cells. It is important to take in food that has been prepared/harvested with as much respect and gratitude as possible.

    I cut down on eating meat to a large extent this summer. Going back to France, I began eating more meat because I could not avoid it while staying with my family. I had a wave of nightmares for two weeks. I was meditating and resting, but was tormented at night by frightful nightmares. One nightmare was of this guy I knew in High School. He was a demonic figure who tore people limb from limb to feed them to others. He stood around a crowd of people gorging themselves on tacos. I was going up to him as it was my turn to be disassembled for consumption. I was afraid and powerless.

    It was then that I realized this slaughterhouse themed dream may have come from my ingestion of meat and the residual energies that I had to process…

    Fasting helps you clear this, by stopping the ingestion of toxins and of residual emotional energy that is not yours, and resonate to your own tune.