I have begun attempting to practice the cultivation of Gratitude as a means of influencing my living dreamscape. The first thing that I realize when I begin, is that my emotional imagination is not very vivid or exact. It is clear that it is not as sharp and developed as my other kinds of imagination (such as visual or auditory for example). Upon examining my habits, it is evident that my emotional imagination has suffered from neglect- I simply have not used it for many years. In order to overcome the difficulty in imagining gratitude clearly, I need to find an example of it. The tiniest seed of gratiude can be taken by my mind and nurtured into a feeling of universal significance.
In order to find this seed, I need to find something to actually be grateful for. Even if it means being grateful for the most seemingly insignificant thing, it can be taken as the kernal around which a whole world of gratitude can be generated. I can be grateful for not being hungry, or thirsty, or cold, or for being healthy, or even if none of the above is true, I can be grateful for the possibility that things can change- I can be grateful for hope.
Once I feel even the tiniest bit of gratitude, I can grow it by simply focusing on it with all my power. By holding it in my mind and heart with as much determination and love as I can muster, it will begin to glow like an ember that I blow on. I can use this ember to build a roaring fire in my heart. The fire of gratitude must not be allowed to go out.