27.10.10-Who I am

I did my yoga and meditatied this morning, but was interrupted by my daughter’s crying and did not have time to get back to it this afternoon. The 20 minutes or so that I did spend in meditation were very effective and I was glad to have found my silence if only briefly.

I feel stifled by the city today. I sometimes look around at what we have created, we humans: living in our cubicles, fabricated caves with everything necessary to survive but without so much of what we need to actually live. With so much freedom from existential worries and so much bondage of our own creation.

Where is the sky? Where is the sound of the night? Where is the smell of the earth? Where is the steady rhythm of nature that calibrates our souls to move in its time?

Perhaps that is why I feel compelled to look inside myself every day- to find these things within me. To re-discover my connection to that which is beyond these walls, and these streets, and this mind. To remind me of who I am…

The maker of days, the movement of waves… the eye of the storm, the shaper of form… bathing in the light.



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