15.09.10-Tectonics of the mind

Its important to realize that at an any given time we are influencing the creation of the very fabric of the world around us. Its not just the immediate or even long term situations or circumstances that we put ourselves in, but the actual look, taste, sound, and smell of our existence that our consciousness plays an integral part in creating. Our consciousness, together with that of every other living creature, is dynamically creating the collective consciousness of the Universe which is then reflected back to us as the stage on which our reality unfolds- it is the dreamscape that we inhabit.

It would be a mistake however, to assume that we can effect change on the dreamscape simply by wanting it to change. If a person wants money and visualizes him or herself winning the lottery every day, it does not necessarily mean that it will happen. The karmic effects of cause and effect are much more subtle and complex than that. A person might find themselves in a job or relationship that they find unsatisfying and think that the solution might be to find a new one. What needs to be understood however, is that dissatisfaction is a part of the collective consciousness and as such it manifests itself in the world which we observe. We might be passing through a part of the dreamscape which is “dissatisfying”, but the trick is not to connect with it, not to identify with this state. If we find ourselves in a negative state for a long period, the question should really be asked: is there a part of me, that is on a deeper level connecting with the dissatisfaction of the collective consciousness? Almost always if we are honest we will find that there is. It may seem that the negative situation or circumstance which we are experiencing in our life, is coming from the outside, that it has nothing to do with our inner life. The connection does not need to be immediate or obvious. If one looks deeply and discerningly for long enough, one will realize that by identifying and connecting with the negativity which is present at any given time in the collective consciousness, we are making it manifest in our lives. We are bringing something from the abstract into the tangible through the mechanism of our mind. The subtlety of the process might be misleading. One might think: “I know that my choices and behavior relating to a certain aspect of my life are not ideal, but that has nothing to do with my problems in this completely different area.” The fact is, the subconscious, which is our connection to the collective consciousness, or the Dreamer, is not neatly compartmentalized. One could liken our different levels of consciousness to the different layers of the Earth. On the surface, which represents the conscious mind, there are geographic distinctions, with delineations between oceans, continents, islands, and deserts, and with distinct corresponding vegetation and animal life. Once we go deep enough, beneath the earth’s crust, we find the mantle, which is a vast ocean of homogenous molten rock without borders or distinctions- this is like the subconscious mind. This is the level not of thought but of energy. Any negative action of thought which we bring forth in our conscious mind, by the time it reaches our subconscious will have turned into a negative energy, which may manifest itself now, or later, in one way or another.

The bright side of this is that the same is true for positive thoughts and actions. This is why the most effective way to effect change on the dreamscape is over the long run, with habitual thoughts and actions which are harmonious with the change we would like to bring about. These need to be directed not just at the perceived object of our desire or area of our life which we wish to change, but throughout our life. If we want to influence the dreamscape for the better, we must cultivate positive energy in every aspect of our actions and thoughts. In this way, the mantle of positive energy in our subconscious will eventually give rise to solid continents of land which will provide the rich soil necessary for a garden of paradise to grow lush and abundant.



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