Leaked war logs evidence that Afghanistan is the new Viet Nam

The blogosphere, and even mainstream media are having a field day with the release on Wikileaks of thousands of reports and logs of military operations in Afghanistan. Apparently some journalists got a first look at the leaked info before it was published, so they could get the scoop, according to this report on Democracy Now.

The conclusions that came from inspection of these reports is damning in every way and make me feel like this war is an abject failure. These are unsanitized, unvarnished raw data and available for you to look through.

Left, a 1965 cover. Right, Gitmo prisoner 40 years later.

Yet again with this war, the battle to win hearts and minds is not really waged in Afghanistan, as we are told, but it is waged in US soil. We never hear of situations where the Afghan are being handled Platoon style, with special Ops crews shooting up entire villages….. That’s not the way to win hearts; here or in Afghanistan. The sordid truth of war rarely comes out these days, because it tends to bum people out and Uncle Sam wants to win your hearts and minds over this war.

I was surprised that the mainstream press was all over this compromising information. Was it because the scoop was so hot? Because it exposes, supposedly, Pakistan as a collaborator of the Taliban? I wonder what the motives were. Some even surmised that this reeked of CIA psyops. However, while I personally couldn’t figure how publishing any of this information can help the ‘government’ agenda, this general came up with an explanation.

So you may be wondering what the picture above has to do with Afghanistan, well not much really, other than I found the visual similarities to be an interesting reminder that there may not be much difference between ‘Nam and Afghanistan… You can even find large quantities of poppy in Afghanistan, just like in the Golden Triangle! And about a trillion dollars in untapped gold reserves… I think that if I were a country whose fiat money was waning under economic pressures from the new power block, I’d be camping out real close to that gold, with my missiles.


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